Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 24

Well 24 days have gone by... WOW. I don't feel like I have been here that long at all, I feel like I just got here. It has been amazing though. I have learned so much, met so many great people from around the world. From Jamaica, England, South Africa, etc. I've met people who I enjoy being with and I don't feel scared to be myself in front of them. That is a major accomplishment for me! I was scared to death to come here on my own seeing as how I still live at home with mom and dad, and the first time I move out for a while, I move out of the country... It's amazing, I've deffinitly been pushed out of my comfort zone. But that is what needs to happen sometimes.
Anyway... I have today and thursday off. Back to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then I'm off on Monday April 30th. I can't wait to see everyone again. I miss you guys.
I send my love,

Monday, April 16, 2007

My Apartment

Here are some pictures of where I live for the month. Sunsail apartments about a 2 minute walk to work. I work in Hodges Creen Marina. Beautiful place, no sunset though, you have to go to the other side of the island to see the sunset.

I am on the bottom level.

The sailboats is the marina on the walk to work in the morning.

Day 16

I've been here 16 days, two weeks to go! I am loving it so far, I still have my good days and my bad days, but at the end of the day it is all better, because we all do up to the bar!!! and relax!

Mostly I've been diving. Morning 2 tank dives and the afternoon dive. I've only been to 3 ohter dive sites besides the Rhone. I've started leading dives now, I'm good at the Rhone Bow, the stern is kind of confusing- first time I lead to dive to the Rhone Stern I got everyone lost. I was swiming around and somehow ended up at the bow of the ship, I casually turned around pointed out some fish and finally found the stern again, and I dont know how in the world I found the mooring line. It was pure luck!

I've finished my Cooper island trainding so the next time I'm there I will be running all alone. Running the compresser, sales, rental all of it. I think it will be fun. It is a beautiful island, I'll enjoy being there.

I still havent spent a whole day at base yet,like I said ive been diving, I acctually have a night dive tonight so I dont have to be in until 12:30


Monday, April 2, 2007


Hi everyone,
I am here, I can't write for long but I thought that I would stop by and tell you I am great beautiful weather, nice apartment... I'll be diving at 1:30 the stern of the Rhone!! But gotta go
Love you :) Very much, Hopefully I'll get to write some more!!!!!!